This is an image of Leonard Estabrooks working in his blacksmith shop in 1960.
In the 18th and 19th centuries blacksmiths played a very important role. They made horse shoes, dyking spades and tools of all sorts.
There was a blacksmith shop next to the Carriage Factory. Ronald Campbell had constructed it in 1850s soon after taking over the factory building. The blacksmith shop made various custom-built items needed for the construction of sleighs, wagons, and carriages.
The Campbell Carriage Factory closed permanently in 1950-51. With time, the blacksmith shop went into disrepair and had to be burnt down by the Sackville Fire Department upon owner's request.
Later in 1998 Tantramar Heritage Trust received title to the factory property and gradually renovated it. In 2003 Carriage House Museum was open to the public.
For more information read the article, 'Our Blacksmith Shop' in White Fence Issue #52.
Image Source: Tantramar Heritage Trust
Information Source: Tantramar Heritage Trust and, 'Sackville Then and Now' book by Kip Jackson and Charlie Scobie.