The Old Wharf was constructed at Dixon's Landing in 1840s. The local businessmen used it to export lumber, grindstones, and building stones.
The entry, 'Sackville Wharf' in Canada's Historic Places gives more information about the Sackville wharf. The wooden remains of the Sackville wharf from 1911 are near the old Shipyard Road east of the railway tracks.
The Sackville wharf is designated as a local historic place. It is significant in the history of Sackville as it marks a change in the economic climate of the place from an agriculture based economy to a commercially oriented economy.
This image of the old wharf shows the former Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick, Josiah Wood standing upon a trestle that connected the New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island railway line to the old wharf (1908).
For more information consult 'Sackville Then and Now', book by Kip Jackson & Charlie Scobie p. 16.
Image Source: Al Smith